Glycerin Soaps are a pre-made base, that fragrane and color can be added to. They take fragrance better than soap made from scratch. They may have a soft creamy lather on your skin.
PEACH- I love this fragrance with it's fresh smell of Peaches, yummy.
LAVENDER- This has Lavender Essential Oil added to it. Smells amazing if you ask me.
LEMONADE- I love this soap because it looks like it has ice cubes in a glass of Lemonade. Smells fresh and lemony to me.
PINK SEA- This smells of fresh fruit and the ocean to me, and I love this fragrance . Great pared with Pink Sea Salt Scrub.
TURQUOISE SEA- You will fill like your sitting on beach with this fragrance oil added to it. Great pared with Turquoise Sea Salt Scrub.
Glycerin Soap